名駒新冠病毒感染患者中醫康復計劃將於 2025 年 5 月 1 日完結。
- 曾確診新冠病毒感染,目前已經轉陰,並出現長新冠症狀的患者及;
- 曾確診新冠病毒感染並入院接受治療; 或
- 曾確診新冠病毒感染之65歲或以上患者。
- 每位合資格人士只限報名參加長新冠康復計劃一次。
中醫師可根據實際情況建議病人調整診症次數,唯參與本計劃的每名病人診症總次數不多於4次。每次診症,中醫師可根據病人的實際情況處方不多於6日的中藥 (顆粒劑)。參加者必須於6星期內及計劃完結前完成4次診症服務,逾期之診症次數將不作補回。計劃完結日期請留意計劃網頁。
- 身份證明文件;及
- 患者求診時須向接待處展示感染或康復證明文件 。
感染證明文件如下: (請提供其中一項)
65歲以下人士 ;
- 出院文件
- 由政府或獲衞生署認可計劃承認的認可私營醫務化驗所陽性核酸檢測短訊/電子/紙本紀錄
- 衞生署快速抗原測試陽性結果人士申報系統的成功申報短訊/電子紀錄
- 衞生署發出的隔離令 (只限確診人士)
- 其他由政府或醫院管理局發出的康復紀錄
- 此計劃只接受於本網頁預約,其他預約方式如︰電話預約、即場預約,恕不接受。
- 未曾感染新冠病毒,或正在感染新冠病毒患者並不適用。
- 參加者須親臨或委託親友到指定浸大中醫診所藥房取藥,本計劃不提供快遞服務。
- 完成網上診症可於診症24小時後,按指定診所開診時間到指定診所取藥 (若遇診所假期或惡劣天氣情況,取藥日子會順延)。
- 取藥時請告知接待處求診者姓名、身份證號碼及聯絡電話號碼以核對資料。
- 浸大中醫保留一切最終決定權。
Famous Horse Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Programme for COVID-19 Patients
The 'Famous Horse Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Programme for COVID-19 Patients' will conclude on 1st May 2025.
Individuals with appointments should attend their consultations at the selected date and time.
No make-up sessions will be provided for missed appointments.
Considering some patients have been suffering post-COVID symptoms in different conditions and degrees (Long-COVID). BUCM in collaboration with the Famous Horse Holdings Limited (名駒集團有限公司) provides outpatient rehabilitation consultation services for eligible patients who had diagnosed with COVID-19, to conduct medical consultation online or at our designated clinics. Registration of consultation service has been started.
Consultation Arrangement
Eligible participants will make medical appointment via online booking system. They will conduct medical consultation at our designated BUCM clinics and online medical consultation via WhatsApp video calls with our Chinese Medicine Practitioners. The medicine (in granule form) will be prescribed based on the patient’s clinical symptoms and signs.
Eligibility of Participants
- Previously diagnosed with COVID-19, obtained COVID-19 negative results and have the LONG COVID symptoms, and;
- Previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and have been admitted to hospital for treatment; or
- Patients who are 65 years old or above and previously diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Every eligible participant can only apply for the LONG COVID Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Programme once.
Scheduling of Consultations and Prescriptions
Number of consultations will be decided by Chinese Medicine Practitioners according to the actual situation of the patient, and each patient can attend consultation service up to 4 times. Chinese medicine (granules) will be prescribed by Chinese Medicine Practitioners for up to 6 days according to actual situation. Patients are advised to complete all consultation within 6 weeks and by the end of the programme. No make-up consultation will be arranged after programme end date. Please refer to this website regarding the updated information of programme end date.
Patients will be required to present the following documents:
- Identity document
- Positive COVID-19 test result or recovery proof document (please provide one of the followings):
Aged under 65:
- Discharge letter
- Relevant proof of recovery or infection, such as discharge letter, SMS/electronic/paper record of positive nucleic acid test result issued by the Government or private laboratories recognised under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the DH.
- SMS/electronic record of completed declaration on DH's "Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test".
- Isolation order issued by the DH (for COVID-19 infected persons only).
- Other recovery records issued by the Government or the Hospital Authority.
- The service will only be provided to those who register via this website. No other registration methods will be accepted.
- The service is not applicable to whom did not infect COVID-19 or who are currently suffering from COVID-19.
- Participants (or appointed a dedicated person are required to self-pick up the medicine at a designated HKBU clinic. Delivery service will not be provided in this Programme.
- You can pick up medicine 24 hours after online consultation, according to the opening hours of the designated BUCM Clinics (The day of collecting medicine will be postponed due to holidays of clinics or inclement weather).
- Please notify our clinic customer service staff of the patient's name, ID number and contact phone number to verify patient information when picking up the medicine.
- HKBU reserves the right of final decision when disputes arise.